• The use of Props is allowed in all genres & categories.
  • Live animals, liquids, gels, glitters, dangerous props and weapons are not allowed.
  • Simulated weapons with dull safe edges are acceptable with the approval of ODC.
  • The act of throwing or shooting anything off the front of the stage is not allowed.
  • The use of fire in any form is PROHIBITED.
  • Fog, smoke, helium balloons or special lighting is not allowed unless approved by ODC.
  • Cannot have a prop that puts dancers above 6ft. Based on Venue (please contact our office for props that are above our limit)
  • The use of special microphones or sound equipment (other than that which is provided by ODC) is prohibited.
  • Studios are responsible for providing batteries and power sources.


  • Props must be carried on by performer or studio representative and must be in place and/or removed within their given time frame (see Music Guidelines) FOR EXAMPLE: Productions are allotted 8 min. If entry #558 Frozen has submitted a 6 minute song. Prop time will allow for 2 min. (1 minute on, 1 minute off), totaling 8 MINUTES
  • If stage is “littered” during a routine, you must COMPLETELY CLEAN & CLEAR THE STAGE following completion of the routine. Failure to do so will result in a 3 point deduction from your total score