1. There is no limit to the number of regional competitions a studio and/or independent dancer may compete in.

2. All contestants must conduct themselves in a professional manner. Any unsportsmanlike conduct will result in disqualification.

3. A solo performer may NOT compete against his/herself in each GENRE.

FOR EXAMPLE: Mary cannot compete in Jazz with both of her solos, she must register one in Jazz and one in Open.

*In a duet/trio, at least one dancer must be different when competing in same category/genre.

*It IS permissible to compete against yourself in Groups and Lines

4. LIABILITY: ODC, its’ staff, its’ sponsors, the hotel, the theatre, or site of convention/competition will not be held responsible for any accident or injury that may occur to anyone participating or attending these events. ODC cannot be held responsible for unforeseen flaws in theatre stages that may inadvertently lend to the causing of an accident. Persons entering the competition and/or participating as a spectator or in any other aspect MUST assume the responsibility for any unforeseen injury. It is the responsibility of the dance teacher and/or person in charge of a participating group to educate all entrants, their parents and attendees on the rules and policies of ODC.

5. Upon entering and competing in ODC, all teachers/dancers give permission and consent to ODC to use any photographs or videos/film take for promotional advertising or other commercial use.

6. Personal video capturing and photography is strictly prohibited during performances. Any persons caught video capturing or photographing could risk having their associated studio’s routine disqualified from the competition.

Photos and videos MAY be taken during the awards ceremonies for all divisions.

7. Choreography, costuming, music lyrics and/or dance themes must be appropriate for our family audience.

8. ODC will conduct business with Account holders ONLY. No parents should call the ODC office for any reason, all inquiries must be directed to the participating studio.

9. ODC reserves the right to cancel a competition if a minimum number of entries are not received.

In the event of a cancellation, all monies paid to ODC will be refunded.

10. ODC is not responsible for any trophies, costume pieces, etc. not picked up by the end of the competition weekend. Studios will be required to pay shipping & handling for any trophies or awards not picked up by the end of the competition weekend. Personal items will be left at the venue. Trophies and awards will only be sent out by ODC if contacted by the studio and payment of shipping is settled.