• ODC uses a 40’x30’ Marley stage for all performances.
  • Doors to the venue open 1 hour prior to the competition start time, unless specific venue or school accommodations require adjustments. Studio owners will be notified by email before the event. Participants and spectators can access the lobby, dressing rooms, and the ODC Merchandise Booth.
  • The auditorium doors will open 30 minutes prior to the first performance
  • ODC does not alter start times after scheduling. However, routines may run up to 1 hour or more ahead of schedule. Please be prepared for this possibility.
  • Professional videos and photographs will be available after each performance at Disclaimer: Availability depends on the event’s Wi-Fi connection.
  • A reserved seating section is designated for studio representatives. This section is for their use only and is not open to students or parents.
  • Coaching by anyone during a performance is strictly prohibited. Violations will result in point deductions.


  • Dancers are encouraged to wear a cover-up while in the theater or any public area of the venue.
  • Certain areas are designated for ODC staff only. Do not enter restricted zones.
  • Applause and cheering are welcomed, but screaming is not permitted. Excessive noise can distract performers and judges.
  •  Spectator and participant admission is included with registration fees. Seating is general admission and available on a first-come, first-served basis. Holding seats for spectators not present is discouraged and may be enforced by venue ushers.
  • Only same-gender parents and teachers are permitted in dressing rooms. Enter and exit dressing rooms between performances only.
  • No food, drinks, baby powder, rosin, or other powders are allowed in the dressing rooms or theater.
  • Smoking is prohibited inside the venue. Please check individual venue policies for designated smoking areas.


  •  All routines must check in with the Stage Manager 5 routines prior to their performance.
  • Inform the Stage Manager if dancers will start on or off stage, their preferred background color, and if any props need to be set before the routine.
  •  Assign one representative to check in with the Stage Manager.
  • Performers and teachers are allowed backstage only during their routine or as directed by the Stage Manager.
  • Spectators are not permitted backstage due to limited space. No food or drinks are allowed in the backstage area or dressing rooms.
  • ODC is not responsible for items left behind. Lost items may be turned over to the venue’s lost and found, when available.


  •  Performers who walk off stage may re-perform at the discretion of the Competition Director, depending on factors such as age, time, and experience.
  •  A 6-point deduction will be incurred for exiting the stage before completing a routine (except for technical difficulties or rule infractions).
  • Walk-offs are not eligible for re-scoring.


  • Routines must perform in the order scheduled.
  • Routines must be performed before or during their scheduled awards session.
  •  If a routine cannot be performed as scheduled, it may be adjudicated for comments only.
  • Be prepared to perform up to 2 hours earlier than your scheduled time as ODC events often run ahead of schedule.
  • Events generally run in numerical order but may adjust slightly to prevent delays.