• Average the age of all dancers as of January 1st of the CURRENT Competition Tour Year
    • For duo/trios & groups, please round down or drop the decimal.
    • 19 year old dancers must be in High School. The system will Automatically put dancer into the Adult Division. Studio Owner must contact competition to validate dancer is still in High School.

    TourPro will automatically update ages.

    • The youngest dancer in any group must perform a minimum of 75% of the entire routine.

    Failure to do so will result in a 3-point deduction from your total score.

    Age divisions are detailed in the chart below.

    Minis 8 years and under
    Junior 9 to 11 years old
    Teens 12 to 14 years old
    Seniors 15 to 19** years old
    Adult 20 years and over
    Pro-Am Teachers and Professionals